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Top 10 Most Educated Countries In Africa 2021

most educated african countries 2020 presents you with a well informed list of the top 10 most educated countries in Africa 2021, the ranking below i simply based on Population and percentage of literate citizens.

Literacy is a critical piece of individual progress, social development, and economic health. Having the ability to read and write provides more educational and employment opportunities to the population, allowing people to increase their household incomes and bring their family out of low-income conditions. This skill has also been tied to improved public health conditions and increased political participation.

The African continent is a ‘collection’ of contrasts. Some countries are developing quickly and others cannot boast quick improvements. In many African countries, most families live below the poverty line. Their children do not go to school, cannot write and read and do not seem to get any opportunities for education in the near future.
Based on the infographics shared by OECD, South Africa has about 6 percent of people who are between 25-34 years old who have obtained any kind of tertiary education through vocational schools, colleges, universities or other higher educational institutions after school. By the way, South Africa was also added to the top 3 most literate African countries in 2015, according to worldatlas It was listed along with Equatorial Guinea and Seychelles as the nation which boasted about 95 percent of literacy rate among people who were at least 15 years old and older.

Which Country Is The Most Educated In Africa 2021?

The most educated country in Africa per capita is South Africa, with 95% literacy rate as of year 2021, followed by other countries like Seychelles

List Of The Top 10 Most Educated Countries In Africa 2020:

1. South Africa

Across the world, South Africa is prominent as one of the most influential African countries in terms of economy and military. South Africa has a three-tier system of education starting with primary school, followed by high school and tertiary education in the form of (academic) universities and universities of technology. There are a significant number of public and private academic institutions which offer tertiary education to South Africans. Meanwhile, this gives South Africa some desirable and impressive academic standards. South Africa deserves to be on the list of most educated African countries 2021 as it’s got the best academic institutions in the continent. With a literacy rate of 86.40%, it’s glaring that South Africans are highly educated.

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2. Seychelles

Of the countries in the 95th percentile, Seychelles is the only one to have achieved the 6 goals set forth by the UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Education for All program. These goals, which were to be met by 2015, include: establish free primary education, improve the quality of education, improve childhood education, improve adult literacy by 50%, provide gender equality in the classroom, and address the educational needs of youth and adults. The government of Seychelles first began promoting adult literacy during the 1980’s, which is also when free public education became available. All of these efforts in the educational sector have worked to make Seychelles one of the most literate countries in Africa. Most expected to top the list of the top 10 most educated African countries as 2021

3. Equatorial Guinea

It is quite surprising to find Equatorial Guinea in this position. Equatorial Guinea set up its major tertiary academic institution in 1995 and this is regarded as an inconsiderable period for the country to attain a significant system of education. However, Equatorial Guinea maintains the second spot among the most educated African countries due to its impressive literacy rate of 87.00% as well as its significant focus on the education sector.

4. Kenya

Kenya employs the 8 year system of primary education. Although education is not a mandatory thing for Kenyans, the government of Kenya makes provisions for the people to achieve the 8-year period of primary education. Kenya became an independent territory in 1963. Despite the experience of political crisis and great reforms, Kenya has managed to keep an impressive education system and this gives the country the high literacy rate of 85.10%. Today, Kenya can boast of 30 tertiary institutions. Impressively this has attracted foreigners to Kenya in pursuit of tertiary academic standards.

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5. Namibia

Namibia is one of the African countries which pay serious attention to education. In Namibia, it is a prerequisite for every citizen between the age limit of 6-16 to receive an education. For this academic period of 10 years (from age 6 to age 16), the Namibian constitution charges the government with the responsibility of providing academic funds. The government only takes care of children’s academic fees. On the other hand, parents cater to their children’s academic needs such as accommodation fees, school uniform. Namibia boasts of many schools –more than 1,500 schools, but no significant tertiary institution. It has a literacy rate of 85.00%.

6. Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe have almost same literacy rate with Lesotho but the two countries’ education systems differ in certain circumstances. Despite gaining independence from Portugal in 1975, the country is still associated with academic instability. Sao Tome and Principe is associated with improper academic standards ranging from shortage of classrooms to poor academic finance and strategy. Nevertheless, Sao Tome and Principe is the sixth among Africa’s best education systems all thanks to the high literacy rate of 84.90%.

7. Lesotho

The policy of free primary education established in 2010 has triggered many citizens to pursue their academic standards. Since then, the government of Lesotho made primary education a mandatory thing for every citizen to pursue. Due to the new reforms introduced into the education system of Lesotho, the country has proven its determination towards lofty academic standards. Therefore, Lesotho has the literacy rate of 84.80%. Despite having a high literacy rate, there are just three tertiary academic institutions and they are the University’s International School, the National University of Lesotho and the Lesotho Agricultural College.

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8. Mauritius

Since gaining independence, Mauritius has progressively adopted the British education system. The government of Mauritius provides free education to its citizens from pre-primary to tertiary level. Mauritius merits a place on this list as a result of its literacy rate estimated around 84.40%.

9. Congo

At the 9th position, we have Congo with the high literacy rate of 83.80% thus makeing it one of the most educated African countries in 2019. For many years, Congo has experienced serious constitutional crises and these have imposed severe setbacks on the country’s education system. Despite being named one of Africa’s most educated countries, there isn’t a significant number of tertiary academic institutions in the country.

10. Libya

The Libyan government offers free primary education to the citizens and makes it a mandatory thing for them. Libya has had its own share of civil war in the past. Today, the country is striving hard to keep things in order Besides being one of the most educated African countries, Libya’s vast deposit of oil makes it one of the wealthiest African countries.

Also, Libya maintains a literacy rate of 82.60% and this is definitely the reason why it’s being given the tenth position among the African countries, with the best education systems.

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