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King Of Kpop Award 2021 (K-pop Idol Of Year) Male

King Of Kpop 2021 (Nubia Awards)

King Of Kpop 2021 Award

K-pop is a huge part of the global music industry today and pop culture as a whole, and we have talented Kpop idols who have done it before and the ones that are currently doing it to thank for that. And for each year we have Kpop acts who stand out when it comes to work ethic, impact in their groups, performance, solo projects and influence on the Kpop industry as a whole. It is why this award category was launched to celebrate the overall best, most exciting, amazing and most dominant Kpop idol (Male) in the world for each year. This category is left to all Kpop fans across the Globe to decided who deserves to earn the title King Of K-Pop for the year.

(Period In Review: October 2020 –  October 2021)

Factors for nomination: Impact In Their Groups, (Overall Performance & Work Ethic), Solo Projects, Fan Base and Influence on the Kpop industry as a whole within the period in review.

Official Nominees List For King Of Kpop Award 2021:


  • Jimin (BTS)

  • Jackson Wang (GOT7)

  • Taehyung ‘V’ (BTS)

  • Sehun (EXO)

  • Jungkook (BTS)

  • J-Hope (BTS)

  • Baekhyun (Exo)

  • Cha Eunwoo (Astro)

  • Suga (BTS)

  • Taemin (SuperM)


READ ALSO:  VOTE: The Most Beautiful Female KPOP Idols 2022 (Prettiest)

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  1. sempre irei considerar todos do BTS reis do Kpop é inevitável não dizer que todos tem extrema influência e relevância, irei torcer por Suga, Jimin , Tae e Jungkook igualmente ????

  2. Well needless to say that Kim Taehyung has a real impact , constant since 2015 and since 2017 in the west, the impact is real latent and continuous , known and recognized by the PG as someone far beyond kpop

    • Yeah your right tae is the most popular have big impact but king of kpop should be a Dance God only jimin can be a dance god

      • Por favor, Taehyung es elogiado por su presencia escénica eso incluye sus habilidades para bailar, Taehyung no necesita exagerar sus movimientos para hacer un baile sexy y elegante.

          • Jajajaja… Eso lo dices Tú que eres una apática seguramente, pero lo atrayente de Taehyung lo es todo su belleza sin igual, su personalidad dual, su baile que sin haberlo estudiado destaca y es por ello es admirado por mucha gente ARMYS y no Armys , Lo que para tí es exagerado sus expresiones para sus fans es vivir la música y expresarlo con todo su ser y eso conyeva a cara, cuerpo y extremidades es así como un buen bailarín debe hacerlo .
            Que a ti te caiga mal porque eso gusta a demasiada gente que le vamos hacer, lo siento por ti pero dale al César lo que es del César y Taehyung se ha ganado a pulso a toda la gente que lo admira y que lastima por mínima gente que lo odia. En fin siempre existirá gente deshubicada que siempre lo critiquen y quieran su mal , pero para eso él tiene mucha gente que siempre lo apoyará y no permitirá que lo dañen. Si tú tienes tu favorito apoyarlo pero no trates de hacer quedar mal a otros integrantes del grupo, porque eso no hace un verdadero ARMY y tú distas mucho de serlo al querer atacar a nuestro amado Kim Taehyung.

          • perdón esas expresiones faciales según tu exageradas se llama comunicar , y seguramente ni siquiera sabes que es eso , expresión completa , eso es un artista único. pero te comprendo alguien que no sabe del tema jamás reconocería a uno aunque lo viera. ten un buen día

      • ну для этого есть голосование ЛУЧШИЙ ТАНЦОР… Техён он просто феномен.. при этом безумно красив и очень умен…

      • Eso repitetelo 1 billón de veces a la n potencia para que te lo creas , que Taehyung no tiene talento y es admirado por tanta gente ? En qué mundo vives Taehyung es alabado por su voz, su personalidad, su baile que sin ser un bailarín profesional ha sido halagado por sus compañeros y los coreógrafos de BTS que reconocen su talento y esfuerzo, es un actor que sin tener un título está súper valorado para que acepte actuar en doramas y que muchas empresas se lo disputan, su gran belleza que ha Sido reconocido por cirujanos estéticos y mucha gente relacionados con la belleza se lo reconocen como el hombre más hermoso del mundo y para Tae no cree serlo y tantísimas cosas más que sus mismos compañeros le reconocen y leer tu comentario fuera de contexto me hace ver que eres un ser mezquino que no reconoce lo que es el TALENTO, el que no te caiga bien Taehyung y opaque a tu favorito no es culpa de él pues las votaciones lo hacen sus fans los que vivimos cautivados con todo lo que hace él y siempre lo apoyaremos y defenderemos de deshubicadas como tú. En vez de criticar a Tae ó a cualquier otro miembro de BTS apoya y vota por tu favorito pero no te metas a comentar cosas que no son, eso no hace un verdadero ARMY.

        • Coincido totalmente contigo. Lo malo de los stan o fan de otro miembro es que no aceptan perder o que no siempre se es bueno en todo o creen que los demás están equivocados y ellos no. Luego se enojan o sienten envidia y molestan o envian hate a los otros fan de otros miembros. Son realmente gente horrible, gente sin corazón.

  3. Most popular idol in the world Mr Kim taehyung is the king of k-pop becoz he intritudeced me to K-pop. My vote goes to him.

  4. Taehyung introduced me to BTS and K-pop so I vote for him. He wasn’t named the visual representative and the face of k-pop by media for no reason. King Taehyung<33

  5. Taehyung es considerado por medios de su propio país como “el rostro del kpop” por varios jurados de belleza es considerado “el hombre más guapo del mundo”, muchos youtubers, actores, idols, directores y locals se interesan en el por su presencia escénica, su voz, su belleza y su talento. Si tú favorito no gana y por eso consideras que está revista está “mal” eso solo confirmaria que eres una desempleada, inmadura y envidiosa

    • Totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Encima lo vota las personas no la revista. Es increíble como estos odiadores seriales creen que tiene la razón y el resto no y como no aceptan perder empiezan a lanzar sus venenos por todos lados. No pueden contener el tanto odio, envidia que tienen por dentro que lo sacan afuera. Tampoco escuchan ni entienden de razones cuando les habla. Son horribles personas! No deja de sorprenderme cómo se ponen por un concurso.

  6. Jimin has ways been the King of Kpop ever since he was crowned that title 2 years ago. It shouldn’t be a contest cause no one is above him when it comes to this title. There is only one KING OF KPOP and that’s Park Jimin.

        • then the others don’t deserve being called king of kpop? ..all of them are already kings.. the titleholder can be changed from time to time.. just vote whoever you want to win.

          • Jimin is the King of Kpop. Period. His influence and contribution on making BTS successful in Korea that even non-kpop listeners know him, even the elder gp. Like the saying “I don’t listen to kpop but I know Jimin”.

    • It was 2 years ago..I was not a fan then so I did not vote..I even did not know the poll..but now I can vote the idol I in this poll another person can win…tthings change with time

      • I agreed with you
        Me too didn’t aware of K-pop and this poll before
        V is the one who attracted me to the K-pop and now I’m an Army
        Also of course my bias is V bcz of him I’m aware of the K-pop

        Me too can vote now my favorite and sometimes this poll he can win
        Things change with time

    • Before Jimin there was another king of kpop. DON’T be childish. 2 years as king are not reasons to say that he is the only king and that the others are not true kings. Also if you say that there should not be another contest after Jimin’s 2-year reign that same motive can be used against Jimin because he is not the first king of kpop. Do not get mad. You don’t always win. Nothing stays the same forever. Remember that the hatred that you send to the rest comes back to you with greater force.

  7. King of kpop is the one who can back it up with impact like who have the most achievements with his own songs in all platforms, who are recognized as a great talent and awarded by it. The only one who received 3 national recognition is Jimin, his songs are nominated as song of the year in Gaon, he’s awarded with his dancing, his song is most stream in SoundCloud, and other songs nominated in all music platforms, not just one! So thats the impact, and real achievements.

  8. Jimin is the King of Kpop and that’s a known fact. For years people who aren’t even anywhere versed in the kpop sphere know about Jimin. He’s the main character when locals want bring up kpop & overall his impact just spans across the board. Everyone loves him

  9. Actually I don’t want Tae to win because he’s not the k-pop king, he’s the king of THE PLANET????????????

  10. Park Jimin is the only king of kpop. He has impact, popularity, talent, he is the most successful idol and he is also the best performer, he is always the one most remembered for giving his best on stage. He is so unique in this industry and even the general public recognizes him as the face of kpop.

    • Todos son super talentosos, pero mi voto es por J-Hope ya que como solista ha tenido un gran reconocimiento y es el primer artista de Bts que entró como solista en las listas de los Billboard Hot 100 Y el segundo después de PSY en la historia de coreanos en realizar esta azaña y eso no es lo único jajaja mi admiración para él.

  11. First of all, Taehyung is much bigger than just a kpop boy, he is known as the one that always attracts locals and nonfans towards kpop. But when it comes down to it he has the most liked and viewed kpop fancam of all time. Not just one but he has multiple fancams with many views each. Also, he is known as the ‘idol of idols’, they study his stage presence just to be liked him. If this was 2016-2018 I would agree Jimin to be the king of kpop. But I think ever since 2019 till now it has been V.

  12. Why it has to be Kim Taehyung? Because he’s Kim Taehyung. It’s always been him.
    Everyone has their own choice, respect mine.I love BTS but I am Taehyung biased.

  13. No matter what the result will be, it’s always been Kim Taehyung for me. King of all Kings. Period.

  14. Solo por único, el número uno, el Rey.. Kim taehyung ????????????????????????????????

  15. Jimin is the King of Kpop for 2 years in a row, and this year will be his 3rd. The only IT BOY and the number 1 idol in Korea. The Face of Kpop. The representative of Kpop.

  16. Please vote for someone who is talented not just because someone has face. Real king is someone who has talent and beauty both not just a face

    • How about trying to voice your opinion about who you want to vote for without shading and mentioning another. Both JM and V are talented. And guess what having a handsome face is a big advantage and a big part of being an idol. Being a K-pop idol and the K-pop industry as a whole are known for visuals. V has BOTH the visuals and talents.

    • All the nominees of this poll are talented, whether it be dancing singing or songwriter. Don’t shade other candidates

    • That’s why my vote goes to Taehyung.. Aside from being so handsome, his talent is overflowing too…Borahae????

    • taehyung is the one and only actor in BTS, taehyung along with JK are the member with 3 lines, in dancing, vocal and visual.

    • So true, that’s why Kim Taehyung is the real king, idol of idols …top tier visuals and the deep sexy voice, incredible stage presence, expressions others try to emulate, dance moves that can only be described as the music moving through his body, actor, composer, creator of things such as borahae and I purple you ????, songs breaking records such as Sweet Night first and ONLY #1 itunes in 118 countries and the list goes on and on.

    • Eso se está haciendo y si la gente vota por Taehyung es porque él es completo y si claro que él es muy hermoso pero eso lo decimos sus fans porque él no cree serlo , si hablas de Talento TeTé lo ha demostrado muchas veces y es por ello que tiene a toda su legión de admiradores en el mundo entero, así es que solo límite se a votar por su favorito y no trates de opacar a los que son respaldados por sus fans y continua con las votaciones porque se gana votando y no indisponiendo a otros.



    • I’m sorry, we know the poll isn’t fake or biased and that this isn’t a fan site. Antis reporting and mentioning it is fake proves it is transparent. Some get mad because they can’t cheat the system so they think their only way to win is to harass others. Please ignore the jealous and hateful people and don’t let them get to you. Again sorry for such behaviour.

  18. Who ever wins here but the real king of k pop will be “The Park Jimin” itself….

    Jimin will king of k pop forever

      • Cualquier ridículo puede hablar ridiculeces por querer malograr la imagen de una persona que no hace otra cosa que es que el dar mucho amor ó no crees que sino fuera así Jimín lo consideraría como su mejor amigo, véase a un espejo y preguntes si a Jimín le gustaría que sus fans ataquen a su dulce Tae ?
        En fin vote y que gane el mejor.

    • Esa es su opinión personal que a nadie importa, los concursos se ganan eligiendo y obtiene el titulo el que más respaldo tenga, así es que continúe votando por su candidato que nosotros lo haremos con el nuestro, así es que suerte y que gane el mejor no ?

  19. Can you show the actual figures instead of showing percentage? And you said I can cast 6 votes after registering but it doesnt make me

  20. KIM TAEHYUNG IS MUCH BIGGER THAN THE KING OF KPOP !! HE IS WORLDWIDE IT BOY ???? MOST IMPACTFUL KPOP IDOL ???? the reason i got into kpop was him , i heard his song sweet night on spotify and fell in love with his voice without even knowing who he was ????

  21. To all who vote for jimin share this for everyone to vote dont give up and support our boy he deserve to be king of kpop

  22. And I should be able to vote 6 times after registering but it didnt work like that???

    I couldn’t go back to vote after 3 times??????

  23. Love yuo TAEHYUNG
    #V #뷔 #TAEHYUNG #김태형 #방탄소년단뷔 #BTSV #テヒョン #キムテヒョン #テテ #てつお #金泰亨

  24. We Purple You 방탄소년단 뷔 ᴷᵀᴴ¹ ◡̈
    #방탄소년단뷔 #뷔 #태태 #태형 #김태형 #CGV #BTSV #V #KimTaehyung #Tete #金泰亨 #BTS

  25. Park Jimin is the only correct answer here. He is the King of Kpop. Period. His influence and contribution on making BTS successful in Korea that even non-kpop listeners know him, even the elder gp. Like the saying “I don’t listen to kpop but I know Jimin”.

    • That is YOUR answer/opinion. Don’t answer for the rest of us, many who are Taehyung’s fans. The saying I heard is “I don’t listen to kpop but I know Taehyung”. All the boys are loved by true ARMY’s and their individual fan bases and have wide spread popularity and talents. Vote how you choose and we will do the same. It a poll for god’s sake. We aren’t curing cancer here.

      • Why are you using locals words for Jimin? That’s Jimin’s, not tae’s. “i don’t know kpop, but I know Jimin.”

  26. KIM TAEHYUNG is not only the TRUE KING OF KPOP, he is THE EMPEROR OF KPOP. Everything about him is legend

  27. Solo hay un rey como el número uno visual más reconocido a nivel mundial del Kpop lo dicen , las encuestas, los medios, los profesionales ,el público, los hechos son irrefutables..KIM TAEHYUNG o BTSV..????????????????????

  28. Whoever the winner in this poll, but Real King of K-pop is kim Taehyung.. We international fan love him so much. Because kim Taehyung we know kpop. Tq taetae to let me know korean culture n great song.

  29. BTS are the Kings of K-Pop, Pop, the World! All 7 are extremely talented. Would not be BTS without any member. They would feel really bad and embarrassed about the behavior of some fans calling themselves ARMY. They are about Love for all members and ARMY????. Please just vote for and compliment your bias. Borahae ????

  30. I dont understand can these titles be fixed?? I mean Jimin also got the title because of a poll and now it has passed many if someone else win the title now he should be crowned


  32. Do you mean the boy who was class president for 9 years? The Valedictorian who was #1 in Math and Chemistry? Who has a black belt in Taekwondo, has learned Kendo for 8 years, has experience in Hapkido and has been selected for a martial arts scholarship in China?
    The boy who slept 2 hours a night? The one who received almost no singing lessons but still became a Leadsinger? That unique voice that can sound from melodically normal to very heavenly high?
    Or maybe it’s the boy who had to learn all the dances by heart after only 6 months and yet became a Maindancer! The one you call Rookies-Bible / Idols-Bible today?
    The It-Boy who has held number 1 in Kpop Male Brand Reputation for over 2 years? Or was it the one who recently became the officially SoundCloud King? Yeah you know… the one who likes to write and produce songs and give them away for free to his fans?
    But it could also be the only Korean artist with 3 national awards? Who is loved and revered by every species on earth? The one you call angel? Because he is as beautiful on the outside as on the inside? The one who has so much charm that he doesn’t have to do anything extra to be sexy because he is naturally?
    This guy who was the first idol to get 100million views on VLive back then? But maybe it’s also about the SoldOut-King … Muse of the Artistworld … Socialmedia/Viral King… Master of killing parts… Koreas Sweetheart… or maybe we’re talking about the Fashionista who was chosen to be a member of BoF500!
    Mmmm probably the Stage Genius or Dance God? Aaah i know…the man who first made fancams interesting with most viewing? Maybe the most hashtagged person on Instagram???
    Or is it about the project manager of the album BE?
    That super hard working artist who can talk about feelings so openly and honestly? This humble and funny world star who always sets a good example?
    Then my answer is: YES my vote is for Park Jimin!!! ????????

    • Hmmmmm, there is a list of achievements like this for the other members as well. They are ALL talented..happy voting. ????

    • ????????????????so happy to see someone mentioning all his achievements n hardworks….
      The king of k pop “The Park Jimin”…

      • Yeah, I just wanted to write some nice and powerfull things about him in a cute and funny way… but I never thought that others will come with a whole Taehyung CV ????????????

        • Pues claro ó solo pensaba que UD. solo podía escribir algo bueno de su candidato ? Pues ya se le demostró que nuestro amado Taehyung también tIene lo suyo y no tiene que envidiarle nada a nadie , y todo está registrado en las diversas plataformas virtuales, así es que a votar se a dicho y que gane el mejor y el que más apoyo tiene, siga votando.

  33. True bestie, that king choice was a pure tae anti who insulted him publicly…and still people say that king choice is a relevant poll? lmfao ????

  34. @Alisalia I legit never heard of what a king choice is (the thing these people seem to brag about and cling onto) so I searched to see what this actually is and I’m in disbelief but also I can’t stop laughing at this joke. Just search the website and see what it is. It gives you multiple attempts to upvote who you want to vote for, but it gives you multiple attempts to downvote another nominee(yup lmao what the actual f*ck). And aside from that, it has features to buy votes, this alone shows how inaccurate and unreliable it is. No wonder objective people don’t support it. The thing is you can’t cheat this website like that king choice where it gives you multiple attempts to upvote and downvote. This site’s poll gives you only 6 votes a day making it way more reliable than any other kpop made polls I’ve seen.

    • I knew about king choice, but didn’t know they are so unprofessional.
      well, all idols have solos, I’m solo myself though I never dragged or shaded my fave’s bandmates. Is it always like this between bts stans? bc even I was triggered by some arrogant comments. I kinda was intrigued and checked bts official accounts. I’m confused now actually, bc seems like jungkook’s and v’s individual posts have way more interactions and views almost all the time? I checked yt, twt, fb and ig. so what’s the reason for this behavior in comments, how come other stans are more civil and chill?
      Are you an army? Can you pls recommend me smth to listen to, especially from v and jungkook. dm me pls

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