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Top 10 Countries That Waste The Most Food In The World 2025

One of the main worldwide issues affecting societies, the environment, and national economies is food waste. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Food Waste Index Report estimates that 8 to 10 percent of world carbon emissions connected to unconsumed food come from the approximately 931 million tons of food lost annually. According to the Food Waste Index, households account for 61% of the approximately 17% of global food output thrown away; food service follows at 26%; the retail sector comes in at 13%.

We must guarantee a worldwide sustainable food supply as population increases and climate change renders more areas of once-fertile land around the world worthless. Part of this is realizing and cutting the enormous amount of food we discard. Not only in affluent countries, but food waste is a ubiquitous issue worldwide.

It is well known that inadequate food safety systems in the top food-wasting nations have far-reaching effects. Thus, by 2030 the Sustainability Development Goal SDG 12.3 seeks to decrease per capita global food waste at retail and consumer levels. The aim also is to reduce food losses—including post-harvest losses—along the supply chains and across production. Especially, food that goes unconsumed accounts for 8–10% of the worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. This emphasizes how not just a social but also an environmental need to solve the food waste problem.

List Of Top 10 Countries That Waste The Most Food In The World 2025

10. Australia

Food waste generated overall in Australia amounts to more than two million tons. Arguably one of the most unexpected nations on the list, Australia completes the food waste by nation total. Australia is also a world leader in green energy and conservation initiatives, which makes it a surprising member of the food-waste club.

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9. Spain

Food waste overall in Spain amounts to more than three million tons. Spain is well-known for its festivals and cuisine, but most of that food goes to waste as well, why Spain ranks on the food waste by nation list.

8. Russia

Russia boasts more than 4 million tons of food waste overall. The scale and population of Russia help to explain the excess food waste in this huge nation.

7. United Kingdom

Food waste generated overall in the UK comes out to be more than five million tons. Food waste is a problem even in the most royal of nations; the UK is a leading example one.

6. France

Food waste overall in France amounts to more than five million tons. France, less recognized for its food waste, an issue it shares with other European countries, is well-known for its passion for food and baked goods.

5. Germany

German food waste overall comes out to be more than six million tons. Like many other European countries, Germany owes its food waste surplus to income as much as size.

4. Japan

Food waste in Japan overall comes out to be more than 8 million tonnes. Japan is a densely populated nation even if its population cannot match those of bigger nations. That is also the main offender behind Japan’s high food waste figures.

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3. United States

Food waste generated overall in the US amounts to more than 19 million tons. While some nations can attribute food waste to population numbers, the US cannot make that claim. Food waste results from being the biggest consumer of food in the world for the most powerful country on earth.

2. India

Food waste generated overall for India comes out to be more than 68 million tons. India’s huge population counts clearly lead to more unused food, much as in China.

1. China

Food waste overall in China amounts to more than 91 million tons. Though significant, China’s claimed levels of food waste should not be too surprising given the most populous nation in the world.

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