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Top 10 Best Economists In The World 2025

As of March 2025, the discipline of economics is still being molded by significant thinkers, whose research and insights are the driving force behind policy decisions and academic discussions all around the world. The IDEAS/RePEc database, which is widely recognized as a repository for economic research, offers a ranking of economists based on a variety of measures. These indicators include the quantity and quality of publications, the impact of citations, and the contributions that economists have made to the field. Based on the information contained in this database, the following is a summary of the top ten economists in the world for the year 2025:

List Of Top 10 Best Economists In The World 2025

1. Joseph E Stiglitz

The economist Joseph E. Stiglitz is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures of our time. Having been awarded the Nobel Prize, having served as the Chief Economist of the World Bank, and being a staunch supporter of economic justice, Stiglitz has had a significant impact on the conversations that have taken place on globalization, inequality, and economic policy. As a result of his work, which criticizes the fundamentalism of free markets and draws attention to the shortcomings of unrestrained capitalism, he has become an important character in contemporary economic debates.

2. Amartya Kumar Sen

He changed the way we think about poverty, inequality, and justice with his groundbreaking work in welfare economics, social choice theory, and development economics. In 1998, he won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to welfare economics. He also played a key role in the development of the Human Development Index (HDI). His ideas about famine, poverty, and the capabilities approach have had a lasting effect on policymakers, economists, and philosophers. In this article, we look at his life, his contributions, and how he has had a profound effect on economics and social justice.

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3. James Heckman

James Heckman is a well-known American economist who is mostly recognized for his research that has made significant contributions to the fields of labor economics, econometrics, and human capital theory. He has made major contributions to the fields of education, early childhood development, and the economic impacts of skill building, all of which have had a substantial impact on public policy. Together with Daniel McFadden, he was honored with the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in the year 2000 for his significant contributions to the field of economic research by developing strategies to combat selection bias. The approaches that economists take to analyzing labor markets, inequality, and social mobility have been deeply influenced by his work.

4. Daron Acemoğlu

Known for his contributions to the fields of political economy, development economics, and institutional economics, Daron Acemoğlu is widely regarded as one of the most prominent economists of the modern and contemporary age. His research investigates the reasons why some countries are wealthy while others continue to be impoverished, with a particular focus on the institutions, political systems, and economic incentives that play a role in determining the level of long-term prosperity. In his book titled “Why Nations Fail” (2012), which he co-authored with James A. Robinson, Acemoğlu has gained a significant amount of recognition. In this book, he argues that inclusive political and economic institutions are the driving force behind growth, whereas extractive institutions are the cause of stagnation and inequality. Through his contributions, politicians, economists, and historians have gained a better understanding of the ways in which institutions influence the outcomes of economic processes.

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5. Andrei Shleifer

The work that Andrei Shleifer has done in the fields of financial economics, behavioral finance, law and economics, and institutional economics has proven to be extremely significant in the field of economics. The findings of his research have contributed to our comprehension of the functioning of markets, the function of governments within financial systems, and the reasons why certain economies are more successful than others. Since 1991, Shleifer has been a professor at Harvard University. Between the years 1990 and 2000, he was recognized as the economist at Harvard University who received the most citations worldwide. Because of his contributions to economic theory, notably in the areas of investor behavior, corporate governance, and the function of institutions, he has left an indelible mark on both the academic world and the policy world.

6. Muhammad Shahbaz

A notable economist who specializes in energy economics, environmental economics, and financial economics, Muhammad Shahbaz is a member of the Muslim Economic Association. The vast study that he has conducted has made a substantial contribution to the understanding of the complex links that exist between economic expansion, environmental deterioration, and energy consumption consumption. Based on the H-Index, he is ranked number ten worldwide and number one in China in the fields of economics and econometrics as of the year 2024. This ranking is a reflection of the significant impact that his scholarly work has had.

7. Dani Rodrik

Dani Rodrik is a well-known economist who is recognized for his critical insights on a variety of topics, including industrial policy, economic development, and globalization. His body of work has had an impact on discussions regarding the ways in which states might promote economic growth while also preserving social stability and political sovereignty. Rodrik’s most well-known works are his books, particularly “The Globalization Paradox” (2011) and “Straight Talk on Trade” (2017), in which he makes the argument that excessive globalization can be detrimental to national economies and democracy. The findings of his research offer a well-rounded perspective, arguing for a compromise that strikes a balance between free markets and government action.

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8. Jean Tirole

Jean Tirole is a French economist who is renowned for his pioneering contributions to the fields of game theory, behavioral economics, market regulation, and industrial organization. His study has had a considerable impact on the decisions that governments and politicians make regarding the regulation of monopolies, financial markets, and digital platforms. Due to the significant contributions that Tirole has made to the understanding of market power and regulation, he was presented with the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in the year 2014. His work sheds light on the manner in which businesses with limited competition, such as banking, technology companies, and telecommunications, ought to be controlled in order to guarantee justice, efficiency, and innovation.

9. Martin Knapp

Martin Knapp is a well regarded economist and policy analyst who focuses on health and social care as his subject matter of expertise. Through his work in the Department of Health Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), he is currently serving as a Professor of Health and Social Care Policy. In addition to that, he is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC) at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The LSE Autism, dementia, mental health in both children and adults, social care (long-term care), and other related topics are the primary areas of concentration for Knapp’s research. His work frequently places an emphasis on economic viewpoints, with the objective of eliciting potential ramifications for both policy and practice. Throughout the course of his career, he has made significant contributions to these subjects, as evidenced by his publishing record, which includes approximately 300 journal articles that have been subjected to peer review, approximately 140 book chapters, 15 books that he has published, and four edited volumes.

10. Richard B Freeman

An American economist who is well-known for his contributions to the field of labor economics is Richard B. Freeman. He has made significant contributions to the research that has been conducted on labor markets, unions, income inequality, and the dynamics of the workforce. Furthermore, Freeman has been associated with the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) in addition to his position as a professor at Harvard University.

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