You are welcome to contribute to Nubia Magazine, we accept articles from professional writers across the globe, we accept articles that enlighten our readers more about any major topic talking about cultures across the globe. Fan Articles are not allowed and self-promoting articles are not allowed.
Articles must be original, unique, and exclusive to Nubia magazine (you may not repeat the same article/articles).
Your article must not have been previously submitted, published, republished, or reproduced in any other print or online medium.
The article should not be either too short (under 800 words) or too lengthy (above 1500 words).
Next year, the content you publish now should still be relevant.
Your content should be free of any marketing messages and written with the intention of providing value to our readers.
Sentences should be clear, direct, and succinct.
(In other words, don’t use large phrases to be sophisticated!)
Regardless of how powerful or justified your feelings or arguments are, no libelous or abusive information will be tolerated.
For opinion writings, you will be solely responsible.
So, before making any claims or drawing any conclusions, please do thorough study.
If you’re looking for a place to put your links articles with links will not be allowed. If you want to sponsor a post or promote your brand you can contact us for adverts with ([email protected])
Avoid writing in an arrogant or academically flashy style.
Submit articles at: [email protected]